Drama 6

Term 2:
January-June 2020

March 16, 2020: 
The purpose of teacher blogs is to inform students and their families of day-to-day learning and activities throughout the school year.  We will continue to communicate learning opportunities and will provide links to online learning resources through these blogs. 

Please see this link for access to my daily slides: "What are we doing in Drama today?"
Link here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HSWQMhanrZvvk5-TG5RZASJHy6aBFGyiDbTf37OL5qk/edit?usp=sharing 

Term 1: 
August-January 2020

Shadow Play Theatre

Hand puppeteering

How to make a shadow puppet


black metal hinges attach different parts of the puppet, can add sticks on the back to make them move --> see my dinosaur example to play around with how this can work

September 27, 2019

Grade 6 Drama did a great job with their readers' theatre projects, and now we are well into our second major project which is a storytelling unit. Students will have the opportunity to share their original stories with their classmates in a sharing circle.

August 22, 2019

Grade 6 Drama students have done an awesome job with getting familiar with the open studio, as well as getting to know each other.  Grade 6 performers have been supportive and kind to each other as they played movement, focus and observation-based games, and they participated enthusiastically in a variety of improv activities.

All this to answer the big question: how might the skills we learn in Drama, help us throughout our lives?

Next week, Drama 6 students begin their first choral speech project.

Check back for updates!


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